


  • WPS云文档:【MasterG1S2_海表面风和海浪高多源数据融合实况】

2022-03-05 wjc老师反馈

什么是 实况

  • 不是预报
  • QT:是对当前时刻的前几个小时的观测,进行融合?;


  • 老师发的资料,
    • 资料1.docx
    • 其他项目的初设——请避免重复——暂不用参考本文档的格式.docx
    • 洋面风海浪等模块-wjc20180616.docx
    • 风场融合实施方案word03.doc
    • RemoteSensors遥感仪器综述.doc
  • 主要科研机构的做法,
  • 最新的文献,

↑ 上面的work,并不是具体去做什么,而是以 find_idea 的形式去推进,以问题为驱动~



Data fusion is the process of integrating multiple data sources to produce more consistent, accurate, and useful information than that provided by any individual data source.

Data fusion processes are often categorized as low, intermediate, or high, depending on the processing stage at which fusion takes place[1] .Low-level data fusion combines several sources of raw data to produce new raw data. The expectation is that fused data is more informative and synthetic than the original inputs.

For example, sensor fusion is also known as (multi-sensor) data fusion and is a subset of information fusion.

The concept of data fusion has origins in the evolved capacity of humans and animals to incorporate information from multiple senses to improve their ability to survive. For example, a combination of sight, touch, smell, and taste may indicate whether a substance is edible[2].


  • 2022-03-05


↑ 王老师主要细化有批准部分模块的功能点。模块下的功能点写法。模块如果超过10万以上,应细化出多个功能点,一个功能点5万左右。



  • 需要风云卫星洋面风场数据的预处理,包括实时、历史输入数据文件中特定变量的投影转换、分辨率转换,


  • 实现与融合模块的对接,保证融合质量,

  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。


  • 需要海洋卫星洋面风场数据的预处理,包括实时、历史输入数据文件中特定变量的投影转换、分辨率转换,

  • 实现与融合模块的对接,保证融合质量。

  • 同时由于海洋卫星与气象卫星的风向定义方式不同,因此预处理模块还要实现风向的转换,保证风向定义的一致性,

  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。



  • 输入数据文件中特定变量的投影转换、分辨率转换,

  • 实现与融合模块的对接,保证融合质量,

  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。


↑ 卫星


  • 基于大数据云平台实现洋面风融合中需要浮标、船舶、海上平台等多种洋面风实际观测数据的获取

  • 并利用元数据信息实现探风仪器距海面高度的确定,挑选符合10m风场定义的实际观测,



  • 并按照融合模块要求,将实际观测数据输出,

  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。

↑ 观测


  • 实现模式洋面风场的投影转换、分辨率转换,

    25km 的,转换成 10km,

  • 实现与融合模块的对接,保证融合质量,

  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。

↑ 数值预报模式








  • 首先根据散射计和辐射计等卫星遥感洋面风产品的质量控制码剔除异常数据或对异常数据进行插补

  • 再根据融合产品区域的海陆分布,剔除陆上格点、海陆混合格点及距离陆地较近格点的数据,将陆地对探测数据的影响降到最低

  • 然后结合所用背景场数据,进行融合前的背景场差异检查,剔除差异明显超出部分的数据

  • 最后将卫星产品梳理成待融合的高质量卫星遥感洋面风数据。

  • 同时实现对历史数据的检查,达到历史数据集制作要求


↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 针对待融合的散射计和辐射计等洋面风数据,利用浮标等现场观测数据进行验证和校准。

  • 采用线性和非线性回归方法,获取不同卫星洋面风数据与现场观测数据的函数关系,进而对卫星遥感散射计和辐射计数据进行偏差订正,以获取无偏的待融合卫星洋面风数据。


  • 同时实现对历史数据的偏差订正,达到历史数据集制作要求。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 采用逐步订正、最优插值、多重网格三维变分等融合算法,将现场观测洋面风数据、卫星遥感观测洋面风数据和模式输出的网格化背景洋面风数据转换为UV风场,分别进行融合,从而获得高时空分辨率的全球、区域和近岸网格化UV风场融合产品。

    ↑ 很期待去做~~





  • 同时利用UV风场计算洋面风向和洋面风速,方便洋面风速模块的使用。

  • 并具备对历史数据的融合功能,满足对多种来源历史数据融合要求。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 由于微波探测器反演的洋面风速产品更准,最大风量级更大,因此需要将多颗卫星的微波反演风速产品与上一步融合的洋面风速进一步融合,提升洋面风风速融合产品质量。


  • 并具备对历史数据的融合功能,满足对多种来源历史数据融合要求。

  • 并具备对不同来源历史洋面风速数据的融合功能,满足历史回算模块一键回算的要求。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块14.4w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 历史回算模块主要分为

    • 单点时间历史数据回算、
    • 多点时间历史数据回算、
    • 单一连续时间段历史数据回算、
    • 混合时间设置历史数据回算。
  • 通过配置

    • 输入数据(岸基观测洋面风、各种海洋气象卫星及海基观测等)、
    • 数据产品目录、
    • 回算时次信息


  • 同时实现历史数据集的制作。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


↑ 王老师主要细化有批准部分模块的功能点。模块下的功能点写法。模块如果超过10万以上,应细化出多个功能点,一个功能点5万左右



  • 实现海浪融合中需要海洋卫星海浪产品的预处理,包括输入数据文件中特定变量的投影转换、分辨率转换,

  • 实现与融合模块的对接,保证融合质量。

  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。




  • 实现海浪融合中需要其他卫星海浪产品的预处理,包括输入数据文件中特定变量的投影转换、分辨率转换,

  • 实现与融合模块的对接,保证融合质量。

  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。



  • 基于大数据云平台实现海浪融合中需要浮标、船舶、海上平台等多种海浪实际观测数据的获取,
  • 并按照融合模块要求,将实际观测数据输出。
  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。



  • 根据产品质量控制码挑选质量可靠的数据;
  • 再根据融合产品区域的海陆分布,剔除陆上格点、海陆混合格点及距离陆地较近格点的数据,将陆地对探测数据的影响降到最低;
  • 然后结合所用背景场数据,进行融合前的背景场差异检查,剔除差异明显超出部分的数据,最后梳理成待融合的高质量数据。
  • 同时实现历史数据的检查,达到历史数据集制作要求。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块14.4w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 卫星反演海浪产品与海浪背景场之间存在一定的偏差,在利用海浪模式对卫星反演海浪产品同化前,需要模式数据对卫星反演海浪产品进行偏差订正
  • 并将待同化数据制成海浪同化模式所需的标准格式。
  • 同时实现历史数据的偏差订正,达到历史数据集制作要求。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 构建WAVEWATCH-III和SWAN嵌套的海浪模式,对全球、区域和近岸海域进行海浪模拟,大区域海浪模式为小区域海浪模式提供海浪谱边界条件
  • 优化风-浪相互作用、波-波相互作用、底摩擦和波浪破碎等方案,获取多种海浪要素。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 采用最优插值、集合卡尔曼滤波等同化方法,将预处理的海浪有效波高观测数据与构建的海浪嵌套模式有机结合,发挥同化方法的优势,提高海浪模式输出要素的精度。

  • 同化技术涉及非对角的观测误差协方差矩阵构建、流依赖背景误差协方差矩阵的构造、方差膨胀和协方差局地化策略、基于分水岭算法的谱分割策略等。

    ↑ 我开始兴奋了~~😘

  • 同时实现对历史数据的同化,达到历史数据集制作要求。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 对海浪同化模式的输出要素进行标准化处理,制作全球、区域和近岸多套不同时空分辨率、不同要素的网格化海浪产品。
  • 制作与Jason-3等高度计同步的沿轨海浪有效波高数据集。
  • 同时实现对历史模式产品后处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 将海浪同化模式输出的、不同分辨率网格化有效波高数据作为背景场,采用最优插值、多重网格三维变分等融合方法,对雷达反演海浪波高、卫星遥感海浪有效波高和现场观测有效波高数据进行高质量时空融合。获得高时空分辨率的全球、区域和近岸网格化的海浪有效波高融合产品。

    ↑ 再同化一次?同化与融合不一样?

  • 同时具备历史数据融合功能,达到历史数据回算模块要求,实现历史数据的融合。

↑ 廖志宏:该模块18w,需要分功能,每个功能不超过5w,请参照5.1.5.1“台风大数据存储”格式编写。


  • 历史回算模块主要分为

    • 单点时间历史数据回算、
    • 多点时间历史数据回算、
    • 单一连续时间段历史数据回算、
    • 混合时间设置历史数据回算
  • 通过配置

    • 输入数据(岸基观测海浪产品、海洋卫星及海基观测数据)、
    • 数据产品目录、
    • 回算时次信息


  • 实现历史数据集的制作。



↑ 多源卫星反演洋面风订正模块

1. 概述





2. 输入

3. 数据处理







  • 数据读取:主要是实现HY-2和METOP卫星微波散射计L2B级产品和背景风场产品的数据读取;
  • 数据自检:根据残差和风单元质量标识符提取HY-2和METOP卫星微波散射计有效的海面风场信息,以便用于后续的网格转化处理和时空统计分析。;
  • 网格转化:网格转化模块承接数据自检的输出,将按刈幅排列的风场数据转换成按经纬度规则排列的风场数据。
  • 时空统计:根据网格化的散射计风场和数值天气预报模式提供的背景风场,统计分析每个网格点两种风场经向(u)和纬向(v)分量的均值和方差。
  • 质量分析:根据时空统计分析模块的结果,分析每个网格点数据统计分显著程度,如果统计显著性小于设定的阈值,将该网格点的风场设置成缺省值。
  • 订正系数:根据HY-2和METOP卫星微波散射计L2B级产品的统计分析和质量分析结果,计算多源洋面风场数据的订正系数。

4. 输出

↓↓ 后面的模块基本是一个形式~


↑ 洋面风二维变分融合模块


↑ 洋面风最优插值融合模块


↑ 洋面风融合产品生成模块


↑ 多源卫星反演有效波高订正模块


↑ 有效波高最优插值融合模块


↑ 有效波高克里金插值融合模块


↑ 有效波高逐步订正融合模块


↑ 有效波高融合产品生成模块


  • 2018
  • 全是干货~~😎




(1) 自动获取公开的ASCAT、HY-2等散射计洋面风产品和AMSR-E、TMI等微波辐射计洋面风产品,对卫星遥感产品进行解码、读取,写成标准格式;

(2) 判断异常数据标志,剔除异常数据,或通过时空插值方法,利用相邻洋面风数据对异常数据进行插补;

(3) 判断海陆冰标志,进行洋面风数据的空间检查,去除陆地和冰上的洋面风数据;

(4) 确定风速的阈值,对洋面风数据进行阈值检查,以确保其在合理的范围之内,减少因高误差引起的数据不确定性;

(5) 融合之前进行时间检查,判断待融合卫星遥感洋面风数据是否在融合时间窗口内,保证数据源的准确性,彻底消除时间错位;

(6) 进行与背景场的差异检查,若卫星观测与背景场差异超出了阈值,则剔除该观测数据以保证观测与背景场的相容性。




(1) 获取浮标、船舶等现场观测洋面风数据,并对其进行质量控制和标准化处理;

(2) 针对不同分辨率的洋面风融合,选择不同的时间和空间窗口,以进行回归。如全球0.25°逐1小时的融合,采用30分钟的时间窗口和50公里的空间窗口;

(3) 把浮标等现场洋面风数据作为真值,采用最小二乘回归方法,获取不同卫星洋面风数据与现场观测数据的线性或非线性关系,建立不同散射计和辐射计等的风速(风向)回归公式;

(4) 通过回归关系对卫星遥感散射计和辐射计数据进行偏差订正,以获取无偏的待融合卫星洋面风数据,并将订正后的卫星洋面风数据写成标准格式。




(1) 获取船舶、台站、浮标等现场观测洋面风数据和模式输出的网格化背景洋面风数据,并进行标准化处理;

(2) 将多种待融合的现场和偏差订正后的卫星遥感洋面风数据进行处理,针对融合产品不同时空分辨率的要求,进行“瘦数据处理”,形成融合时刻的超级观测场文件;

(3) 采用逐步订正、最优插值、多重网格三维变分等融合算法,将浮标等现场观测和散射计等卫星遥感观测与背景洋面风场进行融合,获得高时空分辨率的全球、区域和近岸网格化的、包括风速和风向的洋面风融合产品;

(4) 自动下载ECMWF等再分析洋面风数据产品,为洋面风融合产品检验评估做数据准备;

(5) 针对全球、区域和近岸的洋面风融合产品采用不同的时空窗口进行数据匹配,采用均方根误差、相关系数等统计因子,用现场观测和再分析洋面风资料对融合洋面风场进行验证和评估。




(1) 自动下载Jason-3、HY-2等卫星高度计海浪有效波高数据,CFOSAT波谱仪、SAR等卫星遥感观测的二维海浪谱数据,进行质量控制;

(2) 通过最小二乘等回归方法,利用现场海浪观测对卫星高度计海浪观测, 获取不同卫星高度计海浪数据与现场观测数据的线性或非线性关系,建立海浪有效波高回归公式;

(3) 通过回归关系对卫星遥感高度计数据进行偏差订正,以获取无偏的卫星高度计海浪有效波高数据,并将订正后的卫星有效波高数据写成标准格式;

(4) 将待同化的海浪有效波高、平均周期、平均波向、二维海浪谱等数据制成海浪同化模式所需的标准格式。




(1) 研究海浪模式WAVEWATCH-III和SWAN的风-浪相互作用、波-波相互作用、底摩擦和波浪破碎等的优化方案,针对全球、区域和近岸不同情况,制定最优的参数化方案;

(2) 研究WAVEWATCH-III和SWAN的嵌套方式,研究WAVEWATCH-III的规则网格和SWAN的非结构网格在嵌套时的边界处理方案,采用三层嵌套,全球海浪模式为区域海浪模式提供边界条件,区域海浪模式为近岸海浪模式提供边界条件;

(3) 获取驱动场数据,结合初始条件和边界条件构建不同时空分辨率的海浪嵌套模式,全球模式空间水平分辨率达到25公里,近岸海浪模式空间水平分辨率达到4公里;

(4) 输出不同分辨率的海浪要素,包括:有效波高、均值周期、峰值周期、均值波向、峰值波向、峰值频率、风浪波高、风浪方向、第一涌浪波高、第一涌浪方向等。




(1) 根据海浪遥感观测数据的特点,考虑观测误差的相关性,研究观测误差的统计性质,构建非对角的观测误差协方差矩阵;分析观测误差的相关性对同化效果的影响,考虑计算复杂度,探求最优的非对角观测误差协方差矩阵;

(2) 采用集合卡尔曼滤波方法,用集合思想解决背景误差协方差矩阵估计和预报困难问题,把误差的统计量隐含在一组预报变量中进行预报,然后根据该组预报值的差异进行统计,得到新的误差协方差,构建流依赖的背景场误差协方差矩阵;

(3) 研究方差膨胀和协方差局地化策略,解决集合同化方法中抽样误差会导致模式状态背景方差的低估和观测与模式状态之间存在长距离伪相关问题,开发一种简单有效的协方差局地化和方差膨胀的补偿机制,从而有效提高集合滤波的同化效果;

(4) 针对海浪有效波高不足以纠正模式产生的海浪谱的问题,基于分水岭算法,改进谱分割策略,将分割的二维海浪谱数据融入同化方法中,建立可直接同化二维谱数据的同化算法;

(5) 将预处理的海浪有效波高观测数据以及二维海浪谱数据与构建的海浪嵌套模式有机结合,发挥同化方法的优势,构建更优的海浪分析场,提高海浪模式输出要素的精度。




(1) 将海浪同化模式输出的有效波高、均值周期、峰值周期、均值波向、峰值波向、峰值频率、风浪波高、风浪方向、第一涌浪波高、第一涌浪方向等海浪要素进行标准化处理;

(2) 制作不同时空分辨率、不同海浪要素的网格化产品,全球区域空间水平分辨率达到25公里,近岸区域空间水平分辨率达到4公里;

(3) 提供全球、区域和近岸的网格化海浪有效波高数据,以作为海浪有效波高融合产品所需的背景场数据;

(4) 设置模式输出,制作与Jason-3等高度计同步的沿轨海浪有效波高数据集,对比分析模式输出有效波高数据的质量。




(1) 获取船舶、台站、浮标等现场观测海浪有效波高数据和模式输出的网格化背景有效波高数据,并进行标准化处理;

(2) 将多种待融合的现场和偏差订正后的卫星遥感海浪有效波高数据进行处理,针对融合产品不同时空分辨率的要求,进行“瘦数据处理”,形成融合时刻的超级观测场文件;

(3) 采用逐步订正、最优插值、多重网格三维变分等融合算法,将浮标等现场观测和高度计等卫星遥感观测与海浪模式输出的背景有效波高场进行融合,获得高时空分辨率的全球、区域和近岸网格化的有效波高融合产品;

(4) 自动下载ECMWF等再分析有效波高数据产品,为有效波高融合产品检验评估做数据准备;

(5) 针对全球、区域和近岸的有效波高融合产品采用不同的时空窗口进行数据匹配,采用均方根误差、相关系数等统计因子,用现场观测和再分析有效波高资料对融合有效波高产品进行验证和评估。


  • 2015-08

  • ↓ 对卫星数据介绍的那是相当的好

  • ↑ 相关机构和学者的数据融合


  • ↑ 常见的融合方法

  • ↑ 最优插值算法的公式


洋面风(Sea surface wind)是决定海洋和大气之间动量、能量和质量交换的重要因素之一,

洋面风场是气象业务中广泛使用的基本要素之一, 在海洋和大气科学的研究中受到广泛关注。

  • 高质量、高时空分辨率的洋面风数据对于影响大气和海洋的海气相互作用是至关重要的。
  • 洋面风数据可以为海洋模式提供驱动场,
  • 在计算海表热通量、湿度等要素时需要洋面风场,
  • 同时,洋面风场可以为大气模式提供初始场和对模式结果进行验证。

1. 常规数据、再分析数据、卫星数据


  • 布设海上浮标、
  • 建立沿岸和岛屿气象观测系统
  • 以及海洋调查船走航观测等。

但是这些常规手段受到海上复杂的海况和天气条件的限制, 也几乎不可能获得大面积的海面风场信息。因此在以往的海洋和大气科学研究中,再分析资料成了主要的海面风场资料源。

↓ 对卫星数据介绍的那是相当的好~~

近年来, 卫星遥感监测方法的逐步成熟为海面风场的监测提供了新的手段。

  • 从1987 年7月美国实施国防气象卫星计划(DMSP)以来, 逐步实现了海面风的业务化卫星探测。 到目前为止, 美国有6颗搭载了海面风观测传感器的卫星进行全球海面风的业务观测,其中包括DMSP系列卫星(F08,F10,F11,F13,F14,F15) 装载的专用微波成像仪微波辐射计SSM/I、TRMM卫星上装载的微波成像仪TMI、QuikSCAT卫星上装载的新型主动微波遥感仪散射计SeaWinds, 以及美国宇航局的卫星EOSAQUA上的高级微波扫描辐射计AMSR-E。
  • 欧空局发射的ERS卫星上搭载有主动微波仪器AMI可获取全球的风速和风向数据,自2006年始,欧空局的系列卫星MetOp上搭载了高级散射计ASCAT,至今可获取全球的风场数据。
  • 中国于2011年8月发射的HY-2卫星上同时载有微波散射计和微波辐射计,可获取全球洋面风场数据。据统计,在6小时的观测时间窗口内,对全球海洋的遥感探测采样率从1987 年的20 % 增长为2004年的 70 % 以上。



表1 星载微波辐射计和散射
卫星 传感器 仪器类别 单位 服役时间
Seasat SASS scatterometer NASA 1978.06-1978.10
Seasat SMMR radiometer NASA 1978.06-1978.10
ERS-1 AMI-SCAT scatterometer ESA 1991.07-2000.03
ERS-2 AMI-SCAT scatterometer ESA 1995.04-2011.09
ADEOS-1 NSCAT scatterometer NASA 1996.08-1997.06
QuikSCAT SeaWinds scatterometer NASA 1999.07- 2009.12
ADEOS-2 SeaWinds scatterometer NASA 2002.12-2003.08
ADEOS-2 AMSR radiometer NASA 2002.12-2003.08
DMSP(F08) SSM/I radiometer NASA 1987.07-1991.12
DMSP(F10) SSM/I radiometer NASA 1990.12-1997.11
DMSP(F11) SSM/I radiometer NASA 1991.12-2000.05
DMSP(F13) SSM/I radiometer NASA 1995.05-2009.12
DMSP(F14) SSM/I radiometer NASA 1997.05-2008.08
DMSP(F15) SSM/I radiometer NASA 1999.12-
DMSP(F16) SSMIS radiometer NASA 2003.10-
DMSP(F17) SSMIS radiometer NASA 2006.12-
DMSP(F18) SSMIS radiometer NASA 2009.10-
TRMM TMI radiometer NASA 1997.12-2015.04
EOSAQUA AMSR-E radiometer NASA 2002.05-2011.10
GCOM-W1 AMSR-2 radiometer NASA 2012.05-
Coriolis WindSat polarimetric radiometer 美国国防部 2003.01-
MetOp-1,2,3 ASCAT scatterometer ESA 2006.10-
HY-2 KU-RFSCAT scatterometer CNSA 2011.08-
HY-2 MWRI radiometer CNSA 2011.08-


ADEOS: Advanced Earth Observing Satellite

AMI: Active Microwave Instrument

AMSR-E: Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System

ASCAT: Advanced Scatterometer

CNSA: China National Space Administration

DMSP: Defense Meteorological Satellite Program

KU-RFSCAT: Ku-band Rotational Fan-beam Scatterometer

ERS: European Remote-Sensing Satellite

MWRI: Microwave Radiometer Imager

NCAR: National Center for Atmospheric Research

NCEP: National Center for Environmental Prediction

SASS: SEASAT-A Scatterometer System

SMMR: Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer

SSM/I: Special Sensor Microwave Imager

SSMIS: Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder

TMI: TRMM Microwave Imager

TRMM: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission.

2. 融合产品及必要性



2009 年 5 月起美国国家航空航天局 (NASA) 的物理海洋学分布式档案中心(Physieal Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center, PODAAC )实施了 “研究用途的地球系统数据记录计划”, 其以多源卫星探测的洋面风资料为基础,采用改进的变分同化方法合成了一种新的高分辨率( 25 km ) 交叉定标多平台卫星探测海面风场资料**(Cross-Calibrated, Multi-Platform ocean surface wind product, CCMP)**。NASA的遥感系统(Remote Sensing Systems,RSS)已经利用各种卫星测风仪器制作了高质量的海面10m处的洋面风场,最高空间分辨率为0.25°,时间分辨率为6小时。


许多学者在制定高分辨率、网格化的洋面风产品上也付出了许多努力。如Kako于2011年利用NCEP的再分析风场数据为背景风场,采用最优插值算法,融合了ASCAT散射计的沿轨数据,制作了全球0.25°逐6小时的洋面风数据,但是只提供2009.09至 2011.07的数据下载。

↑ 相关机构和学者的数据融合

上述网格化融合产品的时空分辨率都较高,但是对我国的HY-2散射计KU-RFSCAT皆未涉猎,而且对于精度较高的ASCAT散射计数据提及的也很少。鉴于此,本项目主要以HY-2散射计KU-RFSCAT和MetOp系列卫星上搭载的ASCAT风场产品为待融合产品,以来自NCEP/NCAR的再分析产品NRA1(NCEP Reanalysis Average)为背景风场,制作高精度的全球0.25°´0.25°逐6小时的洋面风数据。其中NRA1的全球网格分辨率为2.5°´2.5°,数据从1948年1月1日至今,是NOAA的ESRL(Earth System Research Laboratory)用分析/预报模式并执行数据同化得到的数据集。

↑ 创新点

3. 融合方法


  • 反距离加权法是目前最常用的空间插值方法**,该方法认为观测点离网格中心点越近, 其值的贡献越大; 距离越远, 贡献越小**。其计算公式为:

    该方法中观测点到网格中心点的距离是最重要的参数, 它决定融合结果的好坏。

  • 克里金插值法是对空间分布的数据求线性、无偏内插估计的一种方法,它的核心是求取变差函数。其计算公式为

    选取适当的权重, 使网格中心点处的插值估计无偏, 并使方差小于任意观测值线性组合的方差。


    求取变差函数时, 确定基本滞后很重要, 它关系到变差函数的变异性和稳定性。如果卫星散射计的轨道在网格内有交叉点或者轨道非常接近, 这样直接计算得到的基本滞后就很小甚至为零, 最终无法得到正确的理论变差函数。

  • 逐步订正算法由于仅使用当前的观测数据,因此时间上的记忆性差


    该方法的关键就是确定初猜场和选择影响半径。有效波高的空间尺度大概为30100km, 初始影响半径至少为该尺度的3 4倍。随着迭代次数的增加初始影响半径应逐渐减小。

  • 混合分析算法也没有时间上的记忆性,且时空分辨率都很低,分析场被严重平滑;

  • 统计最优估计算法和使用截断滤波窗的变分分析算法均选用了包括红外与微波在内的多种卫星遥感数据,空间分辨率高,但在有多种卫星遥感数据时,仅选取其中一种数据则可能给融合结果带入较大的噪声;

  • 三维变分同化分析算法对计算机存储要求低,计算速度快,三维变分同化分析和最优插值算法分析一样,融合结果受到数据分布稀疏的限制;

  • 最优插值算法可看作是卡尔曼滤波法的简化版,与卡尔曼滤波法相比,最优插值算法有以下几个方面的特点:

    • 在误差的计算上,从卡尔曼滤波法的公式看,它的误差是发展的,这是卡尔曼滤波法最吸引人的地方,但这一直也是制约着卡尔曼滤波法应用的致命之处,因为它的计算量很大,而最优插值算法完全省略了这点,因此最优插值算法减少了很大的计算量,使得其误差变为静止的,
    • 在最优插值算法的资料选择方面它通常只是选取分析点附近的资料来进行分析,这样大大减少了计算量。
    • 最优插值算法通常只进行单变量分析,例如海面风场,
  • 时间空间距离加权插值的优点是公式比较简单特别适用于结点散乱不是网格点的问题。

↑ 常见的融合方法


↑ 业务化:最优插值算法




在进行网格化之前,用以下公式对 μ<sup>B</sup>μ<sup>O</sup> 进行估计

↑ 最优插值算法的公式

本项目拟以 HY-2 散射计 KU-RFSCAT 和 MetOp 系列卫星上搭载的 ASCAT 散射计风场作为数据源、采用最优插值融合算法、结合 NCEP/NCAR 的再分析产品 NRA1 进行洋面风场的数据融合,制作全球逐 6 小时 0.25°×0.25° 的网格化洋面风融合产品,并对融合结果进行验证。
































Remote sensing instruments are of two primary types—passive and active.

  • Passive sensors detect natural energy (radiation) that is emitted or reflected by the object or scene being observed. Reflected sunlight is the most common source of radiation measured by passive sensors.
  • Active sensors, on the other hand, provide their own source of energy to illuminate the objects they observe. An active sensor emits radiation in the direction of the target to be investigated. The sensor then detects and measures the radiation that is reflected or backscattered from the target.

↑ passive sensor 无源传感器,active sensor 有源传感器

↑ 介绍有源和无源传感器https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1540081867768312507.html

Passive sensors

Passive sensors include different types of radiometers and spectrometers. Most passive systems used in remote sensing applications operate in the visible, infrared, thermal infrared, and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Passive remote sensors include the following:

  • Accelerometer—An instrument that measures acceleration (change in velocity per unit time). There are two general types of accelerometers. One measures translational accelerations (changes in linear motions in one or more dimensions), and the other measures angular accelerations (changes in rotation rate per unit time).
  • Radiometer—An instrument that quantitatively measures the intensity of electromagnetic radiation in some bands within the spectrum. Usually, a radiometer is further identified by the portion of the spectrum it covers; for example, visible, infrared, or microwave.
  • Imaging radiometer—A radiometer that has a scanning capability to provide a two-dimensional array of pixels from which an image may be produced. Scanning can be performed mechanically or electronically by using an array of detectors.
  • Spectrometer—A device that is designed to detect, measure, and analyze the spectral content of incident electromagnetic radiation. Conventional imaging spectrometers use gratings or prisms to disperse the radiation for spectral discrimination.
  • Spectroradiometer—A radiometer that measures the intensity of radiation in multiple wavelength bands (i.e., multispectral). Many times the bands are of high-spectral resolution, designed for remotely sensing specific geophysical parameters
  • Hyperspectral radiometer—An advanced multispectral sensor that detects hundreds of very narrow spectral bands throughout the visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. This sensor’s very high spectral resolution facilitates fine discrimination between different targets based on their spectral response in each of the narrow bands.
  • Sounder—An instrument that measures vertical distributions of atmospheric parameters such as temperature, pressure, and composition from multispectral information.

The following table lists and describes many of the passive sensors whose data are supported by EOSDIS. Some of these sensors may overlap categories.

Instrument Type Platform Data Center Comments
Single Channel/Total Power Radiometers and Imagers
ACRIM II Total power radiometer UARS ASDC Measures total solar irradiance.
ACRIM III Total power radiometer ACRIMSAT ASDC Measures total solar irradiance.
TIM Total power radiometer SORCE GES DISC Measures total solar irradiance.
LIS Imager TRMM GHRC DAAC Detects intracloud and cloud-to-ground lightning, day and night.
WFC Wide Field Camera CALIPSO ASDC Fixed, nadir-viewing imager with a single spectral channel covering the 620-270 nm region.
Multispectral Instruments
AMPR Microwave radiometer ER-2 andDC-8 GHRC DAAC Cross-track scanning total power microwave radiometer with four channels centered at 10.7, 19.35, 37.1 and 85.5 GHz. (FIRE ACE, Teflun-B, TRMM-LBA, CAMEX-4. TCSP, TC4 projects)
AMSR-E Multichannel microwave radiometer Aqua NSIDC DAAC GHRC DAAC Measures precipitation, oceanic water vapor, cloud water, near-surface wind speed, sea and land surface temperature, soil moisture, snow cover, and sea ice. Provides spatial resolutions of 5.4 km, 12 km, 21 km, 25 km, 38 km, 56 km, and 0.25 deg resolution.
ASTER Multispectral radiometer Terra LP DAAC ORNL DAAC Measures surface radiance, reflectance, emissivity, and temperature. Provides spatial resolutions of 15 m, 30 m, and 90 m.
AVHRR Multispectral radiometer NOAA/ POES GES DISC NSIDC DAAC ORNL DAAC PO.DAAC Has four or six bands, depending on platform. Telemetried resolutions are 1.1 km (HRPT data) and 4 km (Pathfinder V5 and GAC data). 5km, 25 km spatial resolution.
CERES Broadband scanning radiometer Aqua Terra TRMM NPP ASDC Has four to six channels (shortwave, longwave, total). Measures atmospheric and surface energy fluxes. Provides 20 km resolution at nadir.
IIR Imaging Infrared Radiometer CALIPSO ASDC Nadir-viewing, non-scanning imager having a 64 km swath with a pixel size of 1 km. Provides measurements at three channels in the thermal infrared window region at 8.7 mm, 10.5 mm, and 12.0 mm.
MAS Imaging spectrometer NASA ER-2 aircraft GES DISC GHRC DAAC ASDC ORNL DAAC Has 50 spectral bands. Provides spatial resolution of 50 m at typical flight altitudes.
MISR Imaging spectrometer Terra ASDC ORNL DAAC Obtains precisely calibrated images in four spectral bands, at nine different angles, to provide aerosol, cloud, and land surface data. Provides spatial resolution of 250 m to 1.1 km.
MODIS Imaging spectroradiometer Aqua Terra GES DISC GHRC DAAC LP DAAC LAADS NSIDC DAAC OB.DAAC ORNL DAAC PO.DAAC Measures many environmental parameters (ocean and land surface temperatures, fire products, snow and ice cover, vegetation properties and dynamics, surface reflectance and emissivity, cloud and aerosol properties, atmospheric temperature and water vapor, ocean color and pigments, and ocean biological properties). Provides moderate spatial resolutions of 250 m (bands 1 and 2), 500 m (bands 3-7), and 1 km (bands 8-36).
SSM/I Multispectral microwave radiometer DMSP GHRC DAAC ASDC NSIDC DAAC PO.DAAC ORNL DAAC Has seven channels and four frequencies. Measures atmospheric, ocean and terrain microwave brightness temperatures which are used to derive ocean near-surface wind speed, atmospheric integrated water vapor and cloud/rain liquid water content sea ice extent and concentration.
SMMR Multispectral microwave radiometer Nimbus-7 GES DISC ASDC NSIDC DAAC PO.DAAC Ten channels. Measured sea surface temperatures, ocean near-surface winds, water vapor and cloud liquid water content, sea ice extent, sea ice concentration, snow cover, snow moisture, rainfall rates, and differential of ice types.
TMI Multispectral Microwave Radiometer TRMM GES DISC GHRC DAAC TMI measures the intensity of radiation at five separate frequencies: 10.7, 19.4, 21.3, 37, 85.5 GHz. TMI measures microwave brightness temperatures, water vapor, cloud water, and rainfall intensity.
Ranging Instrument
ACC Accelerometer GRACE PO.DAAC The Onera SuperSTAR Accelerometer measures the non-gravitational forces acting on the GRACE satellites.
Hyperspectral Instruments
AVIRIS Imaging spectrometer Aircraft ORNL DAAC Has 224 contiguous channels, approximately 10 nm wide. Measurements are used to derive water vapor, ocean color, vegetation classification, mineral mapping, and snow and ice cover (BOREAS Project).
SOLSTICE Spectrometer SORCE GES DISC Measures the solar spectral irradiance of the total solar disk in the ultraviolet wavelengths from 115 to 430 nm.
Polarimetric Instruments
POLDER Polarimeter Aircraft ORNL DAAC Measures the polarization and the directional and spectral characteristics of the solar light reflected by aerosols, clouds, and the Earth’s surface (BOREAS Project).
PSR Microwave polarimeter Aircraft GHRC DAAC Measures wind speed and direction (CAMEX-3 Project).
Sounding Instruments
AIRS Sounder Aqua GES DISC Measures air temperature, humidity, clouds, and surface temperature. Provides spatial resolution of ~13.5 km in the IR channels and ~2.3 km in the visible. Swath retrieval products are at 50 km resolution.
AMSU Sounder Aqua GES DISC GHRC DAAC Has 15 channels. Measures temperature profiles in the upper atmosphere. Has a cloud filtering capability for tropospheric temperature observations. Provides spatial resolution of 40 km at nadir.
HAMSR Sounder DC-8 GHRC DAAC Measures vertical profiles of temperature, water vapor, from the surface to 100mb in 2-4 km layers. (CAMEX-4, NAMMA projects)
HIRDLS Sounder Aura GES DISC Measures infrared emissions at the Earth’s limb in 21 channels to obtain profiles of temperature, ozone, CFCs, various other gases affecting ozone chemistry, and aerosols at 1 km vertical resolution. In addition, HIRDLS measures the location of polar stratospheric clouds.
MLS Sounder Aura GES DISC Five broad band radiometers and 28 spectrometers measure microwave thermal emission from the limb of Earth’s atmosphere to derive profiles of ozone, SO2, N2O, OH and other atmospheric gases, temperature, pressure, and cloud ice.
MOPITT Sounder Terra ASDC ORNL DAAC Measures carbon monoxide and methane in the troposphere. Is able to collect data under cloud-free conditions. Provides horizontal resolution of ~22 km and vertical resolution of ~4 km.
OMI Multispectral radiometer Aura GES DISC Has 740 wavelength bands in visible and ultraviolet. Measures total ozone and profiles of ozone, N2O, SO2, and several other chemical species.
TES Imaging Spectrometer Aura ASDC High-resolution imaging infrared Fourier-transform spectrometer that operates in both nadir and limb-sounding modes. Provides profile measurements of ozone, water vapor, carbon monoxide, methane, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitric acid carbon dioxide, and ammonia.

Active sensors

The majority of active sensors operate in the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which makes them able to penetrate the atmosphere under most conditions. An active technique views the target from either end of a baseline of known length. The change in apparent view direction (parallax) is related to the absolute distance between the instrument and target.

  • Radar—An active radio detection and ranging sensor that provides its own source of electromagnetic energy. An active radar sensor, whether airborne or spaceborne, emits microwave radiation in a series of pulses from an antenna. When the energy reaches the target, some of the energy is reflected back toward the sensor. This backscattered microwave radiation is detected, measured, and timed. The time required for the energy to travel to the target and return back to the sensor determines the distance or range to the target. By recording the range and magnitude of the energy reflected from all targets as the system passes by, a two-dimensional image of the surface can be produced.
  • Ranging Instrument—A device that measures the distance between the instrument and a target object. Radars and altimeters work by determining the time a transmitted pulse (microwaves or light) takes to reflect from a target and return to the instrument. Another technique employs identical microwave instruments on a pair of platforms. Signals are transmitted from each instrument to the other, with the distance between the two determined from the difference between the received signal phase and transmitted (reference) phase. These are examples of active techniques. An active technique views the target from either end of a baseline of known length. The change in apparent view direction (parallax) is related to the absolute distance between the instrument and target.
  • Scatterometer—A high-frequency microwave radar designed specifically to measure backscattered radiation. Over ocean surfaces, measurements of backscattered radiation in the microwave spectral region can be used to derive maps of surface wind speed and direction.
  • Lidar—A light detection and ranging sensor that uses a laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) radar to transmit a light pulse and a receiver with sensitive detectors to measure the backscattered or reflected light. Distance to the object is determined by recording the time between transmitted and backscattered pulses and by using the speed of light to calculate the distance traveled.
  • Laser altimeter—An instrument that uses a lidar to measure the height of the platform (spacecraft or aircraft) above the surface. The height of the platform with respect to the mean Earth’s surface is used to determine the topography of the underlying surface.
  • Sounder—An instrument that measures vertical distribution of precipitation and other atmospheric characteristics such as temperature, humidity, and cloud composition.

The following table lists and describes many of the active sensors whose data are supported by EOSDIS. Some of these sensors may overlap categories.

Instrument Type Platform Data Center Comments
Altimeters - Radar and Laser (Lidar)
ALT-A, -B Radar altimeter TOPEX/ Poseidon PO.DAAC Dual-frequency altimeter that measures height of the satellite above the sea (satellite range), wind speed, wave height, and ionospheric correction.
CALIOP Cloud and Aerosol Lidar CALIPSO ASDC Two-wavelength polarization-sensitive lidar that provides high-resolution vertical profiles of aerosols and clouds.
GLAS Laser altimeter ICESat NSIDC DAAC The main objective is to measure ice sheet elevations and changes in elevation through time. Secondary objectives include measurement of cloud and aerosol height profiles, land elevation and vegetation cover, and sea ice thickness.
Poseidon-1 Radar altimeter TOPEX/Poseidon PO.DAAC Single-frequency altimeter that measures height of the satellite above the sea (satellite range), wind speed, and wave height.
Poseidon-2 Radar altimeter Jason-1 PO.DAAC Measures sea level, wave height, wind speed, and ionospheric correction.
NSCAT Radar scatterometer ADEOS-I PO.DAAC Dual Fan-Beam Ku Band that measures ocean vector winds at a nominal grid resolution of 25 km.
SASS Radar scatterometer Seasat PO.DAAC Dual Fan-Beam Ku Band that measures ocean vector winds at a nominal grid resolution of 25 km.
SeaWinds Radar scatterometer QuikSCATADEOS-II PO.DAAC Dual Pencil-Beam Ku Band that measures ocean vector winds at a nominal grid resolution of 25 km.
Imaging Radar/SAR
SAR Synthetic aperature radar ERS-1 ERS-2 JERS-1RADARSAT-1 PALSAR UAVSAR ASF DAAC NSIDC DAAC ORNL DAAC Provides high-resolution surface imagery at 7 to 240 m. Multiple polarizations are utilized by some SAR instruments.
Sounding Instruments
CLS Lidar ER-2 ASDC Determines vertical cloud structure. (FIRE Project).
LASE Lidar DC-8 GHRC DAAC Measures water vapor, aerosols, and clouds throughout the troposphere (CAMEX-4, TCSP, NAMMA projects).
PR Phased-array radar TRMM GES DISC ORNL DAAC Measures 3-D distribution of rain and ice. Provides horizontal resolution of 250 m and vertical resolution of 5 km.
VIL Lidar Ground ASDC ORNL DAAC Determines vertical cloud structure (FIFE, FIRE and BOREAS Projects).
Ranging Instrument
KBR Ranging Instrument GRACE PO.DACC The dual-frequency KBR instrument measures the range between the GRACE satellites to extremely high precision.



Remote sensing instruments are of two primary types:

  • Active sensors, provide their own source of energy to illuminate the objects they observe. An active sensor emits radiation in the direction of the target to be investigated. The sensor then detects and measures the radiation that is reflected or backscattered from the target.
  • Passive sensors, on the other hand, detect natural energy (radiation) that is emitted or reflected by the object or scene being observed. Reflected sunlight is the most common source of radiation measured by passive sensors.

Illustration showing the difference between passive versus active sensors. Credit: NASA Applied Sciences Remote Sensing Training Program.

Table sensors

The following tables list and describe many of the active and passive sensors whose data are supported by EOSDIS. Some of these sensors may overlap categories. They are listed by current, future, and historic missions.

Search the remote sensors tables by clicking in the search boxes below and entering in a keyword term, such as a DAAC (ASDC, NSIDC, SEDAC, etc), a platform (ABoVE, CALIPSO, LIS ISS, etc), an instrument (GRACE, MODIS, TROPOMI, etc) or science term (surface mass, snow cover, tomography, etc). The search results will narrow down the table entries applicable to the search keyword entered.

Current Missions

Future Missions

Historic Missions

阅读6:伊比利亚半岛沿岸再分析、分析、卫星反演和 NWP 模拟风与浮标数据的比较-2014

  • 英文名:Comparison of reanalyzed, analyzed, satellite- retrieved and NWP modelled winds with buoy data along the Iberian Peninsula coast

  • 2014

  • 期刊:《Remote Sensing of Environment》,



  • 作者:D. Carvalho,等

  • 机构:CESAM, Department of Physics, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

  • 创新点:

  • good

    • ↑ 四种数据:卫星、再分析、分析、WRF model,good

    • ↑ WRF 模拟的海上风是现场测量海上风数据的最佳替代方案

      ↑ CCMP 和 IFREMER-BWF 可以被认为是 WRF 高分辨率模拟的最佳替代方案

      ↑ NCEP-CFSR 再分析或 NCEP-GFS 分析数据可以作为 WRF 波能评估的替代方案

    • ↑ 所有数据库的一个共同特点是,它们都高估了低风速而低估了强风

    • ↑ 空间分辨率对结果的影响

    • ↑ 本研究中提供的结论和结果可以放心地考虑到其他地区,特别是沿海地区

    • ↑ 洋面风的价值:建模、风能

    • ↑ 卫星数据的缺点


Offshore wind data derived from the below were compared to in situ measurements, in order to assess which one of these products is the best alternative to in situ offshore measured wind data.

  • satellite measurements (CCMP, QuikSCAT, NCDC Blended Sea Winds and IFREMER Blended Wind Fields),
  • reanalyses (NCEP-CFSR, ERA-Interim, NASA-MERRA and NCEP-RII),
  • analyses (NCEP-FNL and NCEP-GFS),
  • WRF modelled

Wind speed and direction from these products were compared to measurements collected at five buoys moored along the Iberian Peninsula Atlantic coast.

↑ 四种数据:卫星、再分析、分析、WRF model,good

Results show that

  • WRF modelled offshore winds are the best alternative to in situ measured offshore wind data, showing the highest temporal accuracy (the ability in representing the wind speed and direction at a given time instant) and lowest errors in terms of offshore wind power flux estimations.

  • However, offshore wind data taken from CCMP shows the lowest errors in terms of the mean wind speeds and, together with IFREMER-BWF, the best wind temporal accuracy after WRF simulation.

    Therefore, in general CCMP and IFREMER-BWF can be considered as the best alternatives to WRF high resolution modelled offshore winds, if the latter is not available.

  • Specifically for offshore wind energy resource assessment, NCEP-CFSR reanalysis or NCEP-GFS analysis data can also be used with confidence as an alternative to WRF modelled data, showing better wind power flux estimates than CCMP and IFREMER-BWF.

↑ WRF 模拟的海上风是现场测量海上风数据的最佳替代方案

↑ CCMP 和 IFREMER-BWF 可以被认为是 WRF 高分辨率模拟的最佳替代方案

↑ NCEP-CFSR 再分析或 NCEP-GFS 分析数据可以作为 WRF 波能评估的替代方案

Despite the best performances of WRF high resolution offshore winds, such modelling tasks require considerable computational resources and time to obtain quality results. Therefore, the value of satellite-derived wind data should not be disregarded. These remotely sensed offshore wind measurements should be seriously considered when searching for alternative sources of wind information for ocean areas, in particular for open ocean areas where they have their strength.

↑ 不应忽视卫星风数据的价值。在为海洋区域寻找替代的风信息来源时,应认真考虑这些遥感海上风测量,


D. Carvalho was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (F.C.T.) Ph.D grant SFRH/BD/73070/2010. This work was partially financed by Xunta de Galicia under the project “Programa de Consolidación e Estructuración de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva)”, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). The authors would like to express their gratitude to all the climate, meteorological and oceanographic institutions referred in the text, for providing the data used in this work.

4 Conclusions

This study evaluates and compares offshore wind data derived from satellites (Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform ocean wind vectors, QuikSCAT scaterometter, NCDC Blended Sea Winds and IFREMER Blended Wind Fields), reanalyses (NCEP-CFSR, ERA-Interim, NASA-MERRA and NCEP-RII), analyses (NCEP-FNL and NCEP-GFS) and WRF modelled offshore winds, aiming to determine which one of these databases offers the offshore wind data closest to measurements collected by buoys moored offshore the Iberian Peninsula Atlantic coast. The findings presented here can be of great value for climate, oceanic, meteorological and offshore wind energy resource assessment applications that focus on ocean areas where in situ measured wind data is either not available or is insufficient and, therefore, alternative sources of offshore wind data have to be considered.

The results presented in this study show that WRF offshore wind simulation is the best alternative source to in situ measured offshore wind data, showing the highest temporal accuracy (RMSE, STDE and correlation coefficients) and offshore wind power flux estimations. However, offshore wind data taken from CCMP database shows the lowest errors in terms of the mean wind speeds (biases and mean wind speed) and, together with IFREMER-BWF, a temporal accuracy similar to the WRF simulation. Therefore, in general CCMP and IFREMER-BWF can be seen as the best alternatives to WRF high resolution modelled offshore winds, if such results are unavailable. Specifically for offshore wind energy resource assessment, NCEP-CFSR reanalysis and NCEP-GFS analysis data can also be used with confidence as alternative to WRF modelled data, with better performances than CCMP and IFREMER-BWF.

While WRF, QuikSCAT, NCDC-BWF, IFREMER-BWF, ERA-Interim, NCEP-RII and NCEP-FNL show a tendency to overestimate the wind speeds and wind power fluxes estimates, NASA-MERRA shows an opposite tendency. CCMP, NCEP-CFSR and NCEP-GFS do not seem to have any tendency to over/underestimate wind velocities and wind power fluxes estimates (except CCMP, which seems to systematically underestimate the wind power fluxes). A common feature to all databases is that all of them overestimate low wind speeds and underestimate strong winds (except QuikSCAT, which sows an overestimation tendency transversal to all wind velocities magnitudes). The best performances are usually obtained in the presence of intermediate wind speeds (4–12 m·s<sup>−1</sup> ).

↑ 所有数据库的一个共同特点是,它们都高估了低风速而低估了强风

Spatial resolution seems to have an important impact on the databases accuracy.

  • The ones with finer spatial resolution are typically the ones with the best results (with some exceptions such as NASA-MERRA and NCDC-BSW). Since the in situ data here used is strongly influenced by the neighbouring topography, terrain characteristics and land-sea discontinuities, products with finer spatial resolutions are more likely to attain better performances.
  • Although satellite-derived winds have finer spatial resolutions when compared to reanalysis and analysis products, they suffer from land masking issues that limit their accuracy in retrieving coastal winds.

↑ 空间分辨率对结果的影响

Temporal sampling rate does not seem to have such an impact, at least in what is related to the ability to represent local wind speed distributions (although it is advisable to use databases with at least 6-hourly records). However, temporal resolution of the wind products is an important characteristic in terms of the ability to accurately represent local wind circulation patterns.

↑ 时间采样率

Although the advantages in using mesoscale NWP models for high resolution offshore wind modelling are shown in this study, such tasks require considerable computational resources and time to obtain quality results. Moreover, it is known that satellite-derived wind data has its strength in open ocean areas. Therefore, the value of satellitederived wind data cannot be disregarded, and these kinds of offshore wind data sources have to be seriously considered when searching for alternative sources of wind information in particular for wide ocean areas.

Since the buoys considered in this study are distributed through a wide geographical area, where each buoy shows its own local wind micro-climate, the conclusions and findings provided in this study can be considered with confidence for other areas, in particular coastal ones.

↑ 本研究中提供的结论和结果可以放心地考虑到其他地区,特别是沿海地区

1 Introduction

Climatic, atmospheric and oceanic modelling applications require accurate oceanic surface wind data to, realistically, represent the oceanic forcing fields and interactions between air and sea. Moreover, data regarding ocean winds is very valuable in the context of offshore wind energy, which is expected to constitute a significant part of the future wind-derived energy as a whole (Carvalho, Rocha, Gómez-Gesteira, & Santos, 2012; Carvalho, Rocha, Santos, & Pereira, 2013).

↑ 洋面风的价值:建模、风能

However, it is known that ocean areas suffer form a strong lack of measured wind data, mainly due to the high costs and technological challenges involved in the installation of wind measuring masts at such sites. Even when in situ data exists (collected on board ships, vessels, moored buoys, etc.) their availability is highly variable both in space and time and cannot be considered as representative of local wind regimes (Risien & Chelton, 2006). Especially for offshore wind resource assessment applications, accurate wind data is a key factor because energetic production is proportional to the wind speed cubed (Bruun, Koch, Horstmann, Hasager, & Nielsen, 2006), making that apparent small inaccuracies in the wind velocity can originate large discrepancies in the expected wind-derived energy production.

↑ 海洋区域严重缺乏测风数据:高成本和技术挑战

Thus, it becomes paramount to search and validate alternative data sources to in situ measured wind data over ocean areas. These alternative sources of offshore wind data consist, basically, in satellite-derived measurements, data simulated by numerical weather prediction (NWP) models and products that combine observed and NWP simulated data (mainly reanalysis and analysis datasets).

↑ 四种数据:卫星、再分析、分析、WRF model,good

  • While satellite-derived wind data is available at a near-global scale and in a time-continuous way, they are indirect measurements (that is, they are derived from other measurements and processed using complex geophysical models) and often suffer from low spatial and/or temporal resolutions, together with large missing/erroneous data gaps (data records affected by rain, malfunction of instruments, etc.).

    ↑ 卫星数据的缺点:间接测量+受到低分辨率的影响+数据缺失问题

  • NWP models, in particular regional circulation models (RCMs, also known as mesoscale models), are able to produce meteorological data at high spatial and temporal resolutions for any area of the globe, and in a relatively fast way (depending on the available computational resources, NWP model configuration, desired resolutions and spatial/time coverage). In the recent past, NWP modelling has found a number of applications focused on deriving wind information to study meteorological and climatic events, drive oceanic models and in the preliminary search and identification of potential sites for wind energy exploitation. However, NWP modelled wind data usually shows non-negligible deviations when compared to observed data, mainly due to their inability in accurately resolving medium- to small scale meteorological processes (Carvalho, Rocha, Gómez-Gesteira, & Silva Santos, 2014).

    ↑ NWP 研究气象和气候事件、驱动海洋模型以及初步搜索和确定风能开发的潜在地点

  • Reanalysis and analysis products combine data simulated by global circulation models (GCMs) with large amounts of meteorological measurements, providing a complete and homogeneous synthesis of the available global observations assimilated into a continuous and coherent physical structure (Trenberth et al., 2010). However, these kinds of products are usually available at low spatial resolutions (250 to 50 km), insufficient to accurately characterize local wind regimes and adequately represent medium and small scale meteorological features.

The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare several alternative sources of offshore wind data with in situ ocean surface wind measurements, with the main objective of determining which of these alternative offshore wind sources best describe the local wind regimes at the selected buoy locations and, thus, can be considered as the best alternative to in situ measured offshore wind data. For this, one complete year of satellite-derived wind data, NWP modeled and reanalysis/analysis products are compared with in situ offshore wind measurements collected by five buoys moored offshore the Iberian Peninsula Atlantic coast (Gulf of Cádiz, West and North Galician coast).

  • The NWP chosen to run the offshore wind simulation for the area under study is the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model.
  • The sources of satellite-derived offshore wind data used in this study are: NASA’s SeaWinds scatterometer installed onboard the QuikSCAT satellite platform (henceforth referred to as QuikSCAT); the National Climatic Data Center Blended Sea Winds (NCDC-BSW); the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea Blended Wind Fields (IFREMER-BWF); and the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform Ocean Surface Wind Vectors (CCMP).
  • The reanalyses and analyses considered in this study are: the National Centres for Environmental Prediction Reanalysis 2 (NCEP-R2); the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim); the National Centre for Environmental Prediction Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (NCEP-CFSR); NASA’s Modern Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (NASA-MERRA); the National Centre for Environmental Prediction Global Forecast System (NCEP-GFS) and the National Centre for Environmental Prediction Final Analysis (NCEP-FNL).

The main characteristics of all these sources of offshore wind data are presented in Table 1, and in Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 additional information about these datasets are presented.

The published literature includes several studies that

  • compare NWP offshore wind simulations with observations (eg.: Berge, Byrkjedal, Ydersbond, & Kindler, 2009; Carvalho, Rocha, & Gómez-Gesteira, 2012; Carvalho, Rocha, Gómez-Gesteira, & Silva Santos, in press-a,b; Jiménez, Durante, Lange, Kreutzer, & Tambke, 2007; Ohsawa et al., 2007; Shimada & Ohsawa, 2011; Shimada, Ohsawa, & Yatsu, 2009),
  • or that compare satellite-derived offshore winds with buoy measurements (eg.: Ebuchi, Graber, & Caruso, 2002; Moore, Pickart, & Renfrew, 2008; Pensieri, Bozzano, & Schiano, 2010; Pickett, Tang, Rosenfeld, & Wash, 2003; Sánchez et al., 2007; Satheesan, Sarkar, Parekh, Ramesh Kumar, & Kuroda, 2007; Tang, Liu, & Stiles, 2004).
  • Also studies that compare satellite-derived, reanalyses, and/or blended satellite-derived offshore winds with measurements are available (eg.: Kent, Fangohr, & Berry, 2013; Li et al., 2013; Ruti, Marullo, D’Ortenzio, & Tremant, 2008),
  • as well as studies that focus on the comparison of NWP and satellitederived offshore winds with observations (eg.: Accadia, Zecchetto, Lavagnini, & Speranza, 2007; Karagali et al., 2013; Wallcraft et al., 2009).

From these studies there are evidences that products that combine satellite and NWP data, and in particular CCMP, can offer improvements when compared to individual satellite records.

However, satellite-derived records are usually more accurate than reanalyses/analyses.

Furthermore, NWP-derived data, in particular the ones obtained with mesoscale NWP models, seems to show better performance in terms of wind variability but higher biases when compared to satellitederived winds.

In particular for the area here under study, the following studies should be highlighted:

  • Penabad et al. (2008) compared 4 years (2002–2005) of QuikSCAT and two NWP (MM5 and ARPS) modelled winds with measured wind data collected offshore the Galician Coast, concluding that no significant differences between models and satellite data were found.
  • Otero and Ruiz-Vilarreal (2008) evaluated the reliability of different meteorological models through the comparison with observed winds around the north-west and north Iberia during autumn 2002 showing significant differences among modeled wind data products.
  • Carvalho, Rocha, Gómez-Gesteira, Alvarez, and Silva Santos (2013) compared 3 different QuikSCAT products (gridded L3 and swath L2B with 25 and 12.5 km) and CCMP with measured winds collected in the same buoys considered in this study, for the same time period (2008), concluding that the high resolution QuikSCAT L2B product showed the best results for the wind speed variability and wind direction means, while CCMP showed the best results for wind speed means and wind direction variability.
  • Alvarez, Gomez-Gesteira, deCastro, and Carvalho (2013) compared 10 years (2000–2009) of wind data from six databases (NCEP-R2, ERA-Interim, NASA-MERRA, NCEP-CFSR, QuikSCAT and CCMP) with wind measurements collected by four buoys moored in the southern limit of the Bay of Biscay, concluding that the wind products with finer spatial resolution provide the best results, especially in nearshore areas.
  • Sousa, Alvarez, Vaz, Gomez-Gesteira, and Dias (2013) evaluated 1 year of QuikSCAT and WRF modelled winds with in situ measurements collected by three buoys moored offshore the Galician coast, reporting that the wind speeds derived from QuikSCAT and WRF do not show significant differences along the coast.

Despite all of this research, no study was found that makes a joint comparison of all these sources of offshore wind data, objectively assessing through an integrated comparison which one of these products is the best alternative to in situ offshore wind measurements, nor for the area here under study nor for any other areas of the globe. Such findings can be of great value for areas where no in situ offshore measured data are available (or the available data is insufficient and/or inadequate for the desired purposes) and, therefore, valid alternatives have to be found. This is the case for the area under study, since the Iberian Peninsula is presently one of the areas with the highest percentage of installed onshore wind power per capita worldwide due to its attractive wind conditions. This asset, combined with its large coastal line, makes this area a promising one for future installation of offshore wind farms.


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2022-03-07 wjc老师讨论

  • 指标要求是什么?


    查询 10km,三角形网格,平均 10km;(港珠澳大桥,很细,桥墩~)



    全球 10km,区域 5km,时间 3小时;


    分辨率 12.5 km,


    指标要求:三角形网格,平均 10km,3 小时

  • 补充资料1.docx

    9.2.4 技术路线 设计策略 关键技术
    9.2.5 模块设计


  • 什么是横向和纵向项目?


  • 什么是数据融合




  • 混合海风资料?

  • 遥感数据资料?

  • 关于融合的科学技术报告?




  • 融合的翻译?



  • 各个产品是什么?




  • 上传的文献内容是什么?



    CCMP 怎么做的,三位变分,

    CWIND 技术报告,

2022-03-07 wjc老师反馈

  • 老师发送的资料

    混合海风 https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/blended-sea-winds




    High-resolution ASCAT wind vector data set gridded by applying.pdf

    Gridded surface wind fields from Metop-ASCAT measurements.pdf

    A Two-Dimensional Variational Analysis Method for NSCAT Ambiguity Removal Methodology, Sensitivity, and Tuning.pdf





    3. (以此为技术蓝本)SeawindsDocumentation.pdf

  • work–deadline 2022-03-08 晚上,最迟 2022-03-09 早上









  • 实现海浪融合中需要海洋卫星海浪产品的预处理,包括输入数据文件中

    • 特定变量的投影转换、
    • 分辨率转换


    • 海洋一号C卫星(HY-1C)数据

    • 海洋二号A卫星(HY-2A)数据

    • 海洋二号B卫星(HY-2B)数据、

    • 海洋二号C卫星(HY-2C)数据、

    • 中法海洋卫星(CFOSAT)数据

    • 高分卫星数据







  • 实现与融合模块的对接,保证融合质量。

  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。




  • 介绍美国宇航局(NASA)和欧空局(ESA)星载微波散射计传感器的类别和特点以及发展历程,
  • 详细描述星载散 射计海面风矢量在大洋环流、海洋大气交互作用、中短期极端天气状况预报等领域的应用以及散射计分辨率增强数据在极地海 冰制图、监测、分类、陆地植被参数反演等方面的应用,
  • 展望星载散射计研究在全天候、全天时、高时间分辨率、高空间分辨 率等提高观测能力方向的发展趋势,
  • 最后简述国内星载散射计神州 4 号(SZ-4)散射计(CN/SCAT)和海洋卫星 2 (HY-2)号散射计的特点及研究现状。

2 散射计探测原理

3 散射计观测计划

  • 散射计扫描方式


  • NASA和ESA对波段选取

  • 过去、现役和未来的散射计观测计划

  • 现役 Seawinds 和 ASCAT 散射计的技术参数以供参考

4 散射计应用研究

  • 海面风场应用
  • 海冰制图与监测
  • 陆面应用研究

5 散射计研究发展趋势

  • 美国全国研究理事会(NRC)制定了空间技术应用于地球科学的十年规划,其中,对散射计未来的发展提出三个计划

6 国内散射计研究现状

  • **我国第一个多模态微波遥感器(M3RS)**于 2002 年 12 月,由 sz-4 送入太空
  • HY-2 散射计性能技术参数





  • 卫星的点轨迹



  • 当前在轨运行的高度计卫星已达5颗(Sentinel-3A、Jason-3、Cryosat-2、Saral/AltiKa以及HY-2A), 观测精度不断提高, 但卫星高度计融合产品的有效分辨率(可分辨海面涡旋的最小尺度)仍需进一步提升.
  • 本研究以变分原理为基础, 改进背景场、背景误差协方差矩阵以及观测误差, 建立一种新的多源卫星高度计资料融合方法.
  • 以南海及其附近海域为目标区域, 在格距为0.08°的规则网格上, 融合所有在轨运行的5颗卫星高度计的沿轨数据, 得到逐日融合产品.
  • 评估分析表明: 新方法得到的融合产品的有效分辨率达到125 km左右, 与国际上广泛应用的AVISO产品相比(格距0.25°, 有效分辨率240 km), 有效分辨率提高近一倍, 融合产品的精度进一步提高, 可用于描述更小尺度的海洋环流结构.


  • 卫星高度计在运行中获取沿轨星下点的海面高度(sea surface height, SSH),

  • 法国建立的多源卫星高度计资料融合产品AVISO(archiving, validation, and interpretation of satellite oceanographic data),

    AVISO在南海的有效分辨率仅为240 km,

3 融合产品评估

  • 采用滤波后的J3和S3A沿轨资料(以下简称沿轨资料)作为观测真值[22], 确定有效分辨率及误差
  • AMSR2卫星观测的海表温度(sea surface temperature, SST)[23]和NOAA提供的南海洋面漂流浮标资料[24], 考查融合产品的合理性.



  • 利用反距离加权法根据不同的方案融合
  • 借助NDBC提供的浮标数据对融合结果进行验证和比较

1 引言

  • 海洋二号的介绍

2 数据资料以及数据预处理


CCMP 中对 SSMI / SSMIS 卫星的融合 https://www.remss.com/missions/ssmi/


Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) 和 Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS) 是卫星无源微波辐射计。自 1987 年以来,这一系列仪器已搭载在国防气象卫星计划 (DMSP) 卫星上。这些是近极地轨道卫星。这些仪器以 F08 开头的卫星编号表示,并在下表中列出。目前运行的仪表有:F15、F16、F17和F18。我们从辐射计观测中获得的海洋测量结果包括地表风速、大气水汽、云液态水和降雨率。



遥感系统分两个阶段对 SSM/I 和 SSMIS 仪器数据进行详细处理。第一阶段产生一个临时产品(在文件名中用“rt”标识),我们会尽快提供它,通常在记录数据后的几个小时内。本产品可能不完整或包含提供给我们的数据中固有的地理定位错误和错误的亮度温度。这些错误在最终处理中被消除,通常在初始产品的几天内完成。最终产品会自动替换中间产品,文件名中的“rt”名称更改为“v7”。



1 国内外海洋卫星资源基本情况

  • 海洋卫星主要类别

    • 海洋水色卫星是对海洋水色要素(如叶绿素、悬浮沙和可溶性的有色有机物质等)和水温及其动态变化的探测
    • 海洋动力环境卫星是对海洋风场、海面高度、浪场、流场以及温度场等动力环境要素探测的卫星(林明森等,2018),有效载荷通常是微波散射计、微波辐射计、雷达高度计等,并具有多种模式和多种分辨率。
    • 海洋综合探测卫星是对全球与近海(包括海岸带)海洋动力环境和生态环境各种信息的综合遥感监测,同时具备多种载荷。
  • 国外海洋卫星发展现状

  • 我国海洋卫星发展现状

    • 包括海洋2号系列卫星、中法海洋卫星与海风海浪卫星和海洋盐度卫星。



    • 中法海洋卫星(China-France Oceanographic Satellite,CFOSAT)

    • 海风海浪卫星是中法海洋卫星的后续星。国家卫星海洋应用中心于2017年底启动了该星立项论证工作。





  • 从2002年5月15日发射第一颗海洋卫星至今,已经发射了10颗海洋卫星,包括HY-1A/1B/1C/1D、HY-2A/2B/2C/2D、CFOSAT、GF-3卫星,目前HY-1A/1B已经停止工作,HY-2A降级工作,其余卫星在轨正常工作。
  • 在轨海洋卫星用途
    • 海洋二号系列卫星用于全球全天候海面风场、浪高、海面高度、海面温度等多种海洋动力环境参数监测,直接为灾害性海况预警预报提供实测数据,为海洋防灾减灾、海洋权益维护、海洋资源开发、海洋环境保护、海洋科学研究以及国防建设等提供支撑服务,载荷为雷达高度计、微波散射计、微波辐射计、双频全球定位系统、船舶自动识别系统、数据收集系统、双向数据通信等,HY-2A为试验星,HY-2B/2C/2D三星实现业务化组网观测。
    • 国际合作试验卫星:CFOSAT为中法两国合作的科研试验卫星,中方提供散射计,法方提供波谱仪,主要任务是获取全球海面波浪谱、海面风场、南北极海冰信息,进一步加强对海洋动力环境变化规律的科学认知
  • 卫星载荷配置、轨道与工作模式
  • 海洋卫星可兼顾大尺度陆地监测,为快速普查与应急救灾提供支撑











  • 2 级产品数据分为
    • 实时业务化地球物理数据(Operational Geophysical data record, 以下简称:OGDR)
    • 临时地球物理数据(Interim Geophysical Data Records, 以下简称:IGDR)、
    • 遥感地球物理数据(Sensor Geophysical Data Records, 以下简称:SGDR)、
    • 地球物理数据(Geophysical Data Records, 以下简称:GDR)四种产品。
  • 其中,校正微波辐射计数据产品已经整合到雷达高度计标准数据产品中,不再单独介绍。


  • 国家卫星海洋应用中心将载荷的 HY-2 卫星高度计 0 级数据经过预处理、数据反演和统计平均分别生成 1 级、2 级和融合数据产品。按照国际惯例,0 级和1 级产品为原始数据产品,不对外分发

  • SGDR与IGDR和GDR基本一致,区别在于其中包含了波形数据

  • 数据产品制作流程(二级数据处理得到的数据称为二级产品





  • 基于大数据云平台实现海浪融合中需要浮标、船舶、海上平台等多种海浪实际观测数据的获取,
  • 并按照融合模块要求,将实际观测数据输出
  • 同时实现历史数据的预处理,达到历史数据集制作要求。




Argo 是温盐的



Data and Documentation


IMMA1 documentation







  • 根据产品质量控制码挑选质量可靠的数据;
  • 再根据融合产品区域的海陆分布,剔除陆上格点、海陆混合格点及距离陆地较近格点的数据,将陆地对探测数据的影响降到最低;
  • 然后结合所用背景场数据,进行融合前的背景场差异检查,剔除差异明显超出部分的数据,最后梳理成待融合的高质量数据。
  • 同时实现历史数据的检查,达到历史数据集制作要求。

阅读:AMDAR 观测资料分析及质量控制




2022-03-10 wjc老师反馈


  • 风向的标准是什么?


  • 风向转换?

  • 以秒为单位


  • 偏差订正
    • 处理数据
    • 模型算法
  • 二维变分和三维变分的差别是什么?
    • 三维变分,CCMP2.0
  • CCMP 手册
    • 三维变分…
    • 变分同化…变分分析…
  • 融合


  • 改历史数据回算

2022-03-10 wjc老师反馈


  • 辐射计精度相较于散射计差很多~

  • 目标,10km~

  • 缺失数据补,现场观测数据的校准~

  • U和V,U东西~







  • 逐步订正
  • 最优插值
  • 二维变分
  • 变分分析(CCMP)


  • 单点,多点,一段时间段,混合时间设置,在软件中的差异~~(刘锦灿


  • 重新分成4个模块?


  • 图,visio,(刘锦灿



  • 流依赖,
  • 数据接入与标准化,
  • 分水岭算法,(刘锦灿
  • 海浪谱分割策略,



  • 多尺度三维变分,何中杰老师;

2022-03-10 wjc老师反馈


  • 二位海浪谱一般表现为频率-方向谱的矩阵,分水岭将矩阵处理为图像,进而将图像当作大地测量学的…,集水盆,…
  • 海浪谱分割,…
  • CAFSTO,波谱仪,海浪谱,分水岭,分割,。hjshshjdhjssakdsadsaui,skdjskjksdjasjkdssjdskdksadsadkjdsakjdskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssssssssssskkkkkkkkkkkkkkksallllllllllsdjsak., sd sd sss sdsd sdhg jhsds shd
  • 集合最优插值,输入:集合数、误差分布规律、标准化的海浪预测数据、模式背景场,
  • 沿轨的~~
  • jkdsjd~~
  • 顶不住了,12点回了宿舍,老师~~

Author: Jincan
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint policy. If reproduced, please indicate source Jincan !